Saturday, July 16, 2016

What will "eventually" happen ?

I have been back to college for past one year. Away from the day to day chores of professional life is a bliss. But now that I have completed one year and the end of this course is in sight, I think I have started getting some pointers as to where my next assignment is going to be. May be it is just wishful thinking. So I put my sixth sense to test today. I am jotting this down to come back here later and see if what I thought would happen, eventually happened or not?

I meet a lot of people who keep guessing themselves and telling me as to what are precedence and how and where should I expect to go next. To be honest, its not always free advice, I poke them a number of times to find out what they think. Whatever their suggestions and whatever the intent of those suggestions, one thing is for certain. Not even a single person, has ever tried to convince me that I might land up where I want to go or should I say where I think I will go. Their analysis is based on scrutiny of empirical facts. Thats where I think differently.

Going by their logic, they are absolutely correct. I will land up middle of nowhere. Not that I do not like "middle of nowhere", but I think I can be better utilized where my skill is put to test. And I have already got some calls, had some conversations that make me feel that I might land up at the right place. As in every bollywood movie there is a villain, there is one problem though. Its the big daddy's office who has to make the all important decision. I know this office rubs its nastiness on anyone who serves their even one day. But still I have confidence in the training my organisation has provided these chameleonistic breed of men, that better judgement will prevail. 

After all if all that has already happened, happened again, would their be any excitement left ? Would history be rewritten ever again ? So every time we defy logic, we create new stuff. Every individuals path which he treads is always different. Unless, the individual himself wants to make the journey easy and comfortable and keep following the herd. 

There are two forces which are responsible for you deciding your path. One is ofcourse you. And the "you" in my case has spoken ... err.rr.. written too (in this blog) ... now the second and all important force, the big daddy's office men have to take theirs. 

So I think I will go where I want to, "junta" says, do not even think that you can land up their. As always, I like fighting the odds. Big Daddy's men say if you happen to reach where you want to, you will suffer in your carrier later. I want to advice these men to try and look where they will land themselves, because if they are not so sure about themselves, which they will realize if they honestly think about themselves (honesty btw is rare) , they how can you give me my destiny ?? 

Hindi quote : "Nai  nai, mere sir pe baal kitne ? Ghabrao nahi jajman, abhi samne aate hain "

English Translation : "barber barber, how many hair do I have on my head ? Don't worry sir, they will soon be in front of you to count "
